We offer an aggressive 3 month program with a very affordable tuition.

For your FREE 30 minute consultation, complete the form on our "Contact Us" page with all the pertinent information and someone from our team will call you within 24-48 hours.

Prophetic Counseling -

We'll guide and give you instruction based on the solid foundation of biblical principles and wisdom, as well as actively listening to the guidance of Holy Spirit. ​​

Prophetic Coaching -
​Let's develop your prophetic gift to speak the word of the Lord and explore how your destiny can be fulfilled by hearing and heeding the voice of the Lord.

Kingdom Living Coaching

Enhancement Coaching -

Do you have a job or career? Are you where you're supposed to be? Are you able to advance where you are? Let's develop a specific game plan to improve your work life and help you walk in your greatest potential.

Life Coaching -

Let's develop a plan to help you accomplish your goals, fulfill personal projects and grow and improve your personal life.